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Medieval Marriages Short Film

This video on Medieval Marriages was eye-opening to the huge difference in marriages from then compared to marriages now-a-days. To think that marriage was so strict and basically forced upon everyone is a huge difference from today's idea of marriage, which makes it hard to imagine how it was to marry someone during this time.

Something that really stood out to me while watching this video was that to get married, it was as easy as having consent from the man and woman. The man and woman had to exchange vows and agree with each other that they wanted to get married and BAM they were married. This was something that church hated because they did not believe that it was valid enough proof for the couple to be officially married.

Another thing that really stood out to be was that there was divorce but it was nothing like how we consider a divorce today. For example, there was a couple during this time period who were married. Unfortunately, the husband was found in bed with prostitutes and this information was passed on to his wife by their neighbors. The woman, as most would, wanted a divorce from her husband. She brought her situation to the court and explained her reasoning for the divorce. Of course and fortunately enough, the court agreed with her. But, divorce during this time meant that they were still married but they could live separate from each other. It also meant that they could not marry someone else since they were still technically married. If a couple gets divorced now, they are no longer married, they can separate from each other and they have the permission to marry someone else. Divorce had a completely different meaning during the medieval times.

Overall, I definitely enjoyed listening to this short film. Learning about the medieval times and the differences from our time is very interesting and fun to compare to our lives.

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