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The Franklin's Tale - Chaucer

The Franklin's Tale, although a lot harder to follow and understand like the Clerks Tale, was an interesting and humerous story to read. How would you like it if your husband left to go to England and didn't come back for 2 years? I think I would go absolutely crazy.

Instead, Dorigen, the wife, starts talking to her neighbor, Aurelius. He expresses his love to her, but she is loyal to her husband who hasn't returned in 2 years and denies him. But, she makes a promise with Aurelius. If he moves all the sharp black stones out of the bay area, that she will marry him. She does this because she thinks this will be an easier way for her husband to return home and she also thinks that it is impossible for Aurelius to do, so she basically played him.

"Whenever that day comes that all along the coast of Brittany you remove all the rocks, stone by stone, so that they no longer obstruct the passage of ship or boat--I say, when you have made the coast so clear of rocks that there is no stone to be seen, then I will love you best of all men. Take here my pledge, in all that I can ever do."

Little did she know, Aurelius found a way to make this possible. His brother told him that he knew someone from school that knew magic. His brother finds the magician to help out his brother and little did Dorigen know, the magician was able to clear the bay area for Aurelius. After hearing this news, Dorigen is so upset that she becomes suicidal.

“Alas! I complain about you, Fortune, who has bound me unawares in your chain, from which to escape I know no help, except only death or dishonor; one of these two it is necessary for me to choose. But nevertheless I had rather forfeit my life than have shame on my body, or lose my fair reputation, or know myself false. And by my death, surely, I may escape."

Her husband returns from England to find his wife in very poor condition. She explains her situation to him and he says very easily that she was to fulfill her promise that she made to Aurelius since he helped her out. Aurelius soon discovered the sacrifice of Dorigen's husband, Arveragus, and tells Dorigen that she doesn't have to follow through with her promise any longer. He tells her to return home to her husband who she has been loyal to all along. After the magician hears that Aurelius allowed Dorigen to return home to her husband, he decides to cancel Aurelius from all of his debt.

Again, this story was definitely harder to follow, it was interesting and different from what we have read which made it fun!

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