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Psalm 150 - Mary Sidney

Mary Sidney was a very important writer during this time, along with Queen Elizabeth and Mary Wroth. What is different about Mary Sidney, as compared to Mary Wroth is that Sidney wrote stricly about religion, whereas Wroth was a very open minded writer, leaving her to be looked at as promiscuous during this time period.

During Sidney's Psalm 150, she states...

"Exalt his pow’r, advance his holiness: With all your might lift his almightiness;Your greatest praise upon his greatness spend."

You can see from these few lines in her first stanza that she is very focused on praising the Lord. She believes that everyone should praise the Lord. These Psalms that she wrote during this time period were basically translations of the bible. This was of great help to people because her translations made it easier to understand, which made more people focused on praising God.

"Make trumpet’s noise in shrillest notes ascend; Make lute and lyre his loved fame express"

Throughout these Psalms, she focuses on many instruments, as seen in the above quote. She mentions the trumpet, lute, lyre and even the cymbals. She talks about these to explain how people used these instruments as a way to praise God. Overall, Mary Sidney was clearly very religious and loved to share it through her poems to help her audience understand the Bible better.

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