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An Answer to Another Persuading a Lady to Marriage - Katherine Phillips

This poem was about Katherine Phillips explaining the proper way to propose to a lady for marriage. It is clear that she is making it easy for men to understand how to propose and the stops to take to do so. What I really liked about this poem is Katherine Phillips idea that not all women are meant to be housewives.

"She should depose her self to be A pretty household god?"

She starts off this idea with asking the question above. She is asking whether or not all women are meant to be housewives or not. This is a rhetorical question that Katherine Phillips is asking her audience. But I do think that overall she is trying to say that women are not just meant to cook, clean and take care of their children and house.

"First make the sun in private shine, and bid the world adieu, that so he may his beams confine in complement to you."

Katherine Phillips then starts to explain the steps that men should take in order to propose to a woman the proper way. I really like that Katherine focused on how women are more capable than just being housewives and focused on how to properly propose. Women during this time were not treated great and it is good to see that a woman herself was sticking up for herself and the other women around her.

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