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Epistle From Mrs. Yonge To Her Husband - Lady Mary Wortley Managu

Lady Mary Worley Managu using her writing in order to share her private feelings and share them with the public. She did this in an eloquent manner by writing it so that she didn't aggressively share her feelings publically, which I believe was very smart of her.

At the beginning of this poem, she starts off by saying that she is not looking for an apology or pity of any kind. She knows that her writing is not going to change the way that men see or/and treat women, but she feels the need to share with the public about her thoughts on their behavior. She herself was an oppressed women and therefore, she has the right to share what her experience and feelings were going through it.

"Defrauded servants are from service free; / A wounded slave regains his liberty. / For wives ill used no remedy remains, / To daily racks condemned, and to eternal chains"

During this quote, she is talking about how these two groups of people have ways to fix the injustices done to them. But that is not the case for her, as a woman. She cannot divorce her husband or any woman cannot, even if the man has cheated on or abused their wives. She begins to question why women are treated differently than men.

"From whence is this unjust distinction grown? Are we not formed with passions like your own?"

Why is it that her husband (and all men) are allowed to go off and travel the world and sleep with as many women as they want, yet she's not even allowed to confront her husband about the adulterous actions he has done? She is so upset with the legal system and how they only protect men.

What is even more absurd is that her husband is blaming HER for adultery. This is not right. I agree with her that the legal system should be changed and that her (as well as other women) should be able to speak up against their husbands (and other men) about the adulterous activity they are involved in.

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