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A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman - Mary Wollstonecraft

Mary Wollstonecraft was a woman writing who was very focused on the equal rights of both men and women. She, along with many others, realized the mistreatment of women during their time. While men were able to get educated and work, women weren't treated equal and weren't allowed the same education that men were.

If women were given the same equal education that men were given, women would be able to have the same opportunities for work.

"Rousseau declares that a woman should never, for a moment, feel herself independent, that she should be governed by fear to exercise her naturalcunning, and made a coquettish slave in order to render her a more alluring object of desire, a sweeter companion to man, whenever he chooses to relax himself."

This was a belief by Rousseau, which Mary Wollstoncraft believed the exact opposite of him.

Not only did she write about equal education, but also about overall equal treatment among men and women in life. If women are called out for doing things out of the societal norm, then men should be called out too. It isn't fair, in her eyes along with many others, that women were treated, and somewhat still are, differently than men.

These problems are still somewhat apparent, especially in the workforce. There are defintiely jobs that are more male dominant than female dominant.

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